Saturday, August 31, 2024

#93 Roxette (+ Rilo Kiley bonus)

Roxette has card #93 in the 1991 MusiCards set. They'll make a return appearance with a card in series 2, plus they've got three cards in the UK edition. I'd say this card here is another rare occurrence where the photo fits ok with the unwieldy border design.

That's an interesting quote, though a little strange to fill up the blurb. I don't remember "Dressed For Success" being the hit that the card claims, but "Listen To Your Heart" was huge, as was "It Must Have Been Love" from the Pretty Woman soundtrack. I got a bit tired of those couple songs getting played so much, but liked Roxette overall.

Roxette - "The Look"

After hearing "The Look" a few times in '89 and really liking it, I used some allowance money to buy Look Sharp! on cassette and listened to it a bunch back then. I still give the album a spin every so often and would put it right there with Forever Your Girl as an enduring personal favorite from my stint as a kid at the time listening to pop music. (Hesitating to use the term "guilty pleasure".)

By the time the follow-up album Joyride came out in 1991, my musical interests had shifted mostly to alternative rock, though I did kinda like the cheesy/catchy title-track.

Roxette - "Joyride"

They didn't get much attention in the US after that album, but the duo was active on-and-off over the years with scattered releases and live performances until Marie Fredriksson sadly lost her fight with brain cancer in 2019. The guy, Per Gessle, has been keeping the name Roxette alive by sharing rare tracks and the like, recently bringing in another Swedish singer, Lena Philipsson, for incarnation 2.0 of Roxette as an active act, with some touring planned for 2025.

For further information, there's a pretty massive Wikipedia entry for Roxette. We'll revisit when we get to their card in series 2, but that's probably enough for now.


I figured I'd pair up Roxette with another musical favorite boy+girl dynamic of mine.

Funny thing here is I actually photoshopped up this custom way back in 2019-- the before times! Yeah, I had originally planned to feature them as the Custom Corner bonus for the John Lennon card in the Legends subset-- the loose connection being RK covered a John Lennon song live once-- but then changed my mind and had this custom waiting around for its time to shine. I thought I was pretty clever working the logo into an arm rest.

Rilo Kiley has been a huge part of my life, as far as bands go. I've already written about them a few times on my baseball card blog, showing off some autographs and stuff while talking about how I got into the band, so I won't rehash it too much here, but the short version is they were my favorite band of the 00s (or maybe second only to Neutral Milk Hotel) and I ended up meeting my wife through our mutual appreciation.

Rilo Kiley - My Slumbering Heart

Quick bio: Former child actors Jenny Lewis and Blake Sennett started playing music together in the late 90s, filling out the band with Pierre "Duke" de Reeder and drummer Dave Rock (later replaced by Jason Boesel). They put out a few CDs and eventually signed with Warner Bros. for their major-label debut which turned out to be their swansong. Jenny Lewis has gone on to modest success as a solo artist, while Blake has kept busy and done some producing.

But yeah, they were a fun band in the aughts to follow and be a part of their fanbase (I was a moderator on their main fan forum, which was pretty hoppin' for a few years there). I had a lot of fun attending their So. Cal shows (I think I saw them 8 times) and-- in addition to meeting my wife-- made a lot of friends in that community, some of which are still online pals today.

I've lost touch with my buddy Vegan/Greg who took this photo, but I'll be forever grateful to him for documenting an incredible moment in my life when Jenny sauntered up to me in the front row and we sang a few bars of "With Arms Outstretched" together at a show in January 2004. I also have video of the entire set and shared it on YouTube earlier this year for the 20th anniversary. Not even counting my big moment in the sun (which didn't really get caught on the video), it would rank high among my favorite live shows. Fun band. It might be nice if they did the whole "reunion tour" thing someday.

Rilo Kiley - Wires & Waves

How about you readers? Ever listen much to either Roxette or Rilo Kiley? Feel free to let me know in the comments and thanks for stopping by.